Ownership at Antioch DC
Ownership at Antioch DC is a declaration of belonging to our church. It is also a formal pledge to affirm the vision, beliefs, and values of Antioch DC and to seek to serve the church as able. Ownership is available to any baptized follower of Christ who is in agreement with our statement of faith, vision and values. Our heart behind ownership is to be a people who clearly communicate and walk out our values and beliefs in our church and across this city. Ownership is not a requirement to attend our church or our house churches, but we do invite each person who regularly attends to be a part of what God has asked our church to do in this city. Below you will find out information on the history of our church and our vision. You can find our statement of beliefs under the About Us tab above. After you have watched the videos below and you are interested in becoming an owner, we invite you to join us for an Owners Lunch. This will be a time to enjoy a meal on us, meet the leaders, and ask questions about our church. If you have any questions before then please reach out to admin@antiochdc.com
Our next Prospective and New Owners lunch will be Sunday February 2nd, 2025
Click here to sign up for our upcoming Prospective and New Owners lunch