Our Team
Chase and Lacey Moore
Lead Pastors + Elders
Casey and Rebekah Harper
Pastoral Staff + Discipleship School Directors
Ashlee Bates
Church Administrator
Oversight Team
Kyle and Abby Van Hecke
Tyler and Emily Noblett
Kelli Clark
Board of Advisors
Jimmy Seibert
Co-founder of the Antioch Movement, Antioch Waco
Drew Steadman
US Director, Antioch Waco
Laura Seibert
Co-founder of the Antioch Movement, Antioch Waco
Jeff Abshire
Executive Pastor, Antioch Waco
How does Antioch DC differentiate between an “elder” and an “overseer”?
An elder has been appointed by Antioch DC leadership and the external board of advisors to shepherd and govern the church as part of the broader Elder team. They have been commissioned by the church through the laying on of hands and serve for a long term, indefinite period of time.
An overseer has been appointed by Antioch DC leadership and the external board of advisors to shepherd and govern the church as part of the broader oversight team (Elders + Overseers). Overseers serve for a defined season of time and have not been commissioned by the church through the laying on of hands.